Kyle Rittenhouse — Conspiracy Theories Debunked
Being a firearm, tactics, self-defense instructor, & gunsmith for the better part of my adult employable life — even I believed all the rhetoric about Kyle Rittenhouse when the story first broke over a year ago. I believed the media hype at first; a kid who played call of duty too much decided to grab a rifle and head to somewhere he should never have been to play vigilante. After the first couple of days after the incident happened, I was asked to review the footage of the shooting for a friend writing an article and I couldn’t believe that I allowed myself to be duped. I wasn’t even duped by the network mainstream media but by conservative outlets and conservative-owned businesses like Black Rifle Coffee Company. I broke my own golden rule and that is to always research things for myself and to never take any media outlet's word for it, no matter what their political beliefs are — what made it worse, in this particular situation, I should have damn well known better.
After I reviewed all the footage captured on Kyle Rittenhouse that night, something didn’t make sense to me. The footage I saw showed a kid cleaning up graffiti, giving aid to anyone who asked for it, and being there to defend someone’s private property in the midst of all the violence and chaos — this quickly started to not look like a vigilante to me. After I viewed the footage of the actual shooting itself, I realized this was cut and dry self-defense case. So I decided to do some more research to figure out the entire story and motives of Rittenhouse.
The research was easy to do, I found my answers within a couple of hours of digging into it, so I know the media would have just as easily found the same answers as I did. Being a skeptic of any media outlet, even I could not believe how the mainstream media and politicians were portraying this event because it was not from a standpoint of journalism or objective reasoning, they were lying to push a real narrative. Now I always believed the mainstream media has lied to their audience out of ignorance more so than the conspiracy theory that there was some “bigger agenda”. After witnessing the outright lies that CNN, MSNBC, ABC NEWS, and even some on FOX NEWS were trying to sell to people the last few days, I can’t take anything away from this coverage than for whatever reason — there has to be a bigger agenda at foot here. What exactly, I don’t know, but it’s scary as hell they are trying to spin whatever lies they can to make this young man out as a white supremacist that decided to go to Kenosha and fire wildly into a crowd of people. That's what made me decide to write this article to debunk most of the egregious Kyle Rittenhouse myths and lies.
Kyle Rittenhouse Didn’t Have the Right to be in Kenosha and Should Never Have Been There
The start of every single mainstream news story about this incident goes pretty much like this “Kyle Rittenhouse brought an “assault rifle” (really a sporting rifle) across state lines to Kenosha to play vigilante, he had no right to be there, and being there with an assault rifle is what provoked people to attack him in the first place.”
The only part of that narrative that is even remotely true is that he did indeed cross state lines, but the situation is not what you immediately want to think it is. Most of Rittenhouse’s family; father, uncles, aunts, and cousins currently live in Kenosha. Yes, he did live across state lines but only 17 miles away. In fact, Rittenhouse worked in Kenosha, he would pass the very spot the incident happened almost every day on his way to work and Kenosha has been a part of Rittenhouse’s entire life. So it’s very fair to say that Kenosha was his community and he had a very vested interest and every right to be there. In fact, the car lot that was burnt to the ground you see in the video was a business of a family friend and he was asked to come help defend it from people destroying it further and to keep people from looting the things that still had a lot of value. Of course, they wouldn't have had to do that if the police weren’t told to stand down and let the riots happen, but because there was no police stopping these riots from happening — citizens had to defend their property themselves — or lose everything they worked their entire lives for. Some people are willing to do that, others are not and I don’t think we can hardly blame the people that aren’t willing to let it happen.
Rittenhouse did not bring a firearm across state lines either, he received the rifle from his brother-in-law after he arrived in Kenosha for self-defense. It wasn’t a situation where his brother-in-law handed Rittenhouse a firearm and he does not know how to use it, it’s obvious with the restraint he showed that he had some extensive training. Rittenhouse’s presence was welcomed because he had first aid and paramedic experience, was part of the police explorers program and was training to be a firefighter. Even the police hiding out behind the barricades welcomed his presence. No sain person ever wants to have to use a firearm on someone, but it’s always good to have it in case you need it — it was obvious that he needed it that night.
Kyle Rittenhouse is a White Supremacist and Wanted to Commit a Mass Shooting — Opened Fire on Peaceful Black Protestors and the People Who Were Shot are Heroes for Trying to Stop Him.
This is a narrative that MSNBC, CNN, and ABC NEWS are pushing even after the Rittenhouse Trial that couldn’t have shown the facts more clearly for self-defense. Nothing these news outlets are saying could be farther from the truth, as a matter of fact, what they are reporting is just downright and utter lies.
The first thing that was made very clear to me after looking into this case is there wasn’t any peaceful protesting going on in Kenosha, none whatsoever. The only thing that was happening in Kenosha was rioting, looting, and arson that went on for almost an entire week, destroying many small businesses as the outcome. The day Kyle Rittenhouse arrived he immediately went to work cleaning graffiti, giving first aid, and being peaceful in what he was trying to do, helping rebuild his community. But after the sun went down, Rittenhouse’s troubles really began. The entire night the car lot they were trying to protect was being bombarded by firebombs and other things being thrown by ANTIFA members. As dangerous as that was, no one including Rittenhouse ever pointed their firearm at them. Rittenhouse endured violent threats all night by a career child rapist named Joseph Rosenbaum and he had stated several times that night that he was going to “fucking kill them”. Rosenbaum was reported as being unhinged and in fact, was just recently released from a mental hospital hours before joining the riots. Rosenbaum was setting fire to dumpsters and trying to push those lit dumpsters into structures to set them on fire, Rittenhouse had put out one of these fires using an extinguisher which enraged Rosenbaum.
This is what set the events in motion for Kyle Rittenhouse. Joseph Rosenbaum was so enraged by this, he put on a shirt covering his face and snuck around between two cars that surprised Rittenhouse and had him semi-cornered. Rosenbaum then tried to grab the rifle from Kyle Rittenhouse and that's when Rittenhouse fired his rifle. If you’re honest, who could blame him? If an unhinged and violent person like Rosenbaum got a hold of that rifle, most rational people would have very little doubt that he would have used it on Kyle Rittenhouse. The drone footage backs this story along with superficial burns and powder burns found on Rosenbaum’s hand and arm.
Right after Rittenhouse shot Joseph Rosenbaum, he immediately took out his phone and tried to call for help, but the mob had seen what happened and immediately went after Rittenhouse chasing him down the street yelling “Get that mother fucker”. Rittenhouse was trying to make it to the police line to get help while someone was firing a gun behind him and right before he was knocked to the ground. As soon as he hit the ground he was immediately confronted with Anthony Huber, a repeat violent spousal abuser, who had a skateboard and was beating Rittenhouse in the head with it while kicking him. Rittenhouse fired again killing Anthony Huber, and immediately another unknown person ran up to attack him, he put his hands up when Rittenhouse pointed his rifle at him and he backed off immediately, Rittenhouse did not fire on this person. In the midst of that confrontation happening, another person named Gaige Grosskreutz, another violent career criminal, put up his hands like he was going to also back off, but then immediately took out a Glock handgun and pointed it directly at Rittenhouse’s head just a foot or two away. Rittenhouse then fired on Grosskreutz wounding him in the arm which allowed Rittenhouse to get up off the ground and make it to the police line where he immediately turned himself in.
Every single person that Kyle Rittenhouse fired on that night was white — not black and every single person was a violent career criminal, each with a laundry list of felonies on their record. After the trial, Al Sharpton released a statement saying how sad it was that another white man got off scot-free for killing a black person. Christ, Sharpton didn’t even do so much as to at least research this case enough to know the people who were shot were white and not black.
In Conclusion
The ironic thing about this entire event, it was the mainstream media lies that caused people to get so angry and riot in the first place. It all started when another violent career criminal named Michael Blake was shot by the police after he refused to put down a knife. Police arrived on the scene after a woman that Michael Blake was trying to assault with that very knife, called the police. Not only did he have a warrant out for domestic battery but he was also trying to kidnap their kids that she had sole custody of. The police warned Brown many times to stop, but he didn’t. He opened the door to his vehicle and tried to get to the knife and was shot by police. But to hear the mainstream media tell the story, they make it sound like a black man was minding his own business and police just decided to shoot him for the hell of it. Again, more lies, and after the investigation, the facts showed something far different — but again, still didn’t stop the media from doubling down on the narrative of systemic racism in the police force.
The way the media has portrayed Kyle Rittenhouse should be criminal, and I hope that he makes his entire career out of suing the ever-living hell out of every single person that defamed him. Basically, he will tell Nick Sanman to hold his beer and watch this.