Normally, I do not feel hate against anyone. Even those people in my life that have aggrieved me in some of the worst possible ways. Hate is a feeling that is poisonous to the soul, to your heart, and can corrupt the very best of us. I truly believe that.
However, every once in a great while, a group of people will form made up of the type of people that commit acts so egregious and heartless, you just can’t help but hate them and everything they stand for, and the people I hate is rooted in pure evil.
My blood has boiled before. This is different, this is of biblical proportions and it’s over a political terrorist group called ANTIFA. I have never seen, much less heard about, an organization made up of so many gutless and self-entitled twenty-somethings. Of course, there are people in their twenties and early thirties with unbelievable potential, Tim Poole and Tarl Warwick just to name a couple. They are blazing a path for truth in this fake news world and that's a lot harder than it sounds, it requires an unbelievable type of great character traits. The types of twenty-somethings that lower their standards to join an organization like ANTIFA are angry at their own country for many insane reasons; because their parents dared to expect for them to get a job and stand on their own two feet, some are upset because they are the social outcasts that could never get a girlfriend, upset they could never think on their own, upset they are unimaginable and unoriginal, upset they never had the best of looks, and it’s almost always at the hand of their own doing. But instead of being adults and taking account and responsibility for their own actions or learn how to stand up and make the best of a bad situation in the greatest and most opportunistic country in the world. No, they would much rather whine, cry, bitch, and moan by blaming America using he false veil of racism and corporate greed. These soulless punks are blind followers, never once taking the time to do their own research on anything they claim to be for or against. What pisses me off the most about ANTIFA is because of their own inadequacies, they actually have the god damn audacity in thinking they have the right to burn our country to the ground and would be so ignorant to do so if they had half a chance. I wish these radical groups like ANTIFA were made up of people who collectively had an IQ higher than one hundred and potato.
ANTIFA is a living contradiction within itself. They claim to be a group of people who fight fascism, it would really help if they understood what the definition of fascism actually was. ANTIFA’s true reason for existing is to stop any political ideal that is against their own and accomplish this by beating and terrorizing their political opponents, which by the way is the actual god damn definition of fascism. Members of ANTIFA lack conviction or any kind of moral character that would even begin to suggest they follow some sort of ethical guidelines. It’s one thing to fight a person your own size, age, and gender during a heated political protest but these gutless basement dwellers will single out the elderly and woman, then 5–6 masked and armed ANTIFA members who are almost always white males, gang up and beat these poor defenseless people mercilessly, oftentimes within an inch of their lives. These are the actions of 30’s-40’s Nazi Germany, not 2020 America, and sadly it has happened more times than what is accounted for. The most infuriating to most people is ANTIFA members can do this with impunity. ANTIFA primarily protest and terrorize people in democrat controlled states and cities, the police are often told to stand down and not to interfere with their actions, no investigations are ever carried to apprehend and charge these animals with these horrific crimes. If they do terrorize protestors in republican controlled areas they are rarely prosecuted because they wear masks to conceal their identity as any coward would.
When ANTIFA isn’t beating on defenseless weaker people, the show up at racially charged protests and start rioting, stoking the flames for angry people to follow suit. They usually have major cities mapped out, a plan in place, and create havoc whenever a racially charged issue comes up that will guarantee to have protestors. No matter how mad people got with the death of Mr. Floyd, and America was in agreement about how disgusting it was how the poor man died, no group of people, no matter the size, can start rioting across 2 countries in multiple cities that fast. It was planned in advance. ANTIFA doesn’t care anything about justice, all they care about is seeing how much damage and chaos can be done.
But for the number of stupid people that make up ANTIFA an equally smart sect is in charge of running ANTIFA, the democrat party. ANTIFA became mainstream when in 2016 Donald Trump decided to run for office. The Democrats thought just in case they couldn’t beat Trump at the polls, they would discourage his supporters by creating a plausible deniability group who could terrorize Trump rallies and protests. The more this didn’t work the more violent they become. ANTIFA then started to use racial tactics just like the tactics the old south Klu Klux Klan used. ANTIFA members, who are primarily white, yell racial slurs like nig*er, uncle Tom, and house nig*er directly to the faces of any black person who does not agree with the democrat ideology or who dare to think for themselves. This keeps the black people who dare not speak out in line and if that isn’t the tactics of the Klan than I don’t know what is.
Let’s not gloss over history. By the mainstream media and education systems, the Republicans are deemed as racist and the ones who controlled and still control the racist south. In fact, Republicans fought for the abolishment of slavery and no Republican has ever owned a slave, period. The Democrats were responsible for starting the civil war to keep black people enslaved and then after losing that war they promptly founded the Klu Klux Klan because they couldn’t stand to see a black person be their equal. In the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s Republicans fought for desegregation, anti-lynching laws, and Democrats fought against it. After the failed Democrat Jim Crowe laws failed, the party had to re-align and control black people using a different tact and a re-write of history by conning people that in the 80’s the republicans became the civil rights fighting democrats and the racist democrats became Republican. Of course, this on its face doesn’t make sense. For one thing, parties do not just switch like that and for another, it’s the fundamental ideals the republican party still holds today that are the basis of the morals wanting to free the slaves and give black people every right as every other American and it’s the ideals the Democrats still hold today in order to use black people for their own benefit.
If the Democratic party isn’t still racist and just a redefined version of itself, please answer me this; why is it every large city where the black people succeed the least, where the black on black killings are at a record high, and where education for black people is virtually non-existent are all cities that are Democrat-controlled states and have been so for decades? It isn’t a coincidence. The Democrats want to point the racist finger at the Republicans and America as a whole when in fact they need to be paying attention to the thumb pointing back at them. If the Democrats really cared for the black person, these large cities with predominantly black populations wouldn’t be suffering as bad as they are right now.